After months' of agonizing uncertainty, the day of reckoning has finally arrived, or has it? About half of the nation's population of voting age will finally, at the end of today, heaves a collective sigh of relief for the outcome they have been hoping for. Gone also will be the compulsive habit of checking the 538 forecast every 30 minutes hoping to spot the tiniest uptick in its inexorable prediction graph for your candidate and the no less compulsive shelling out of 10, 15 dollars every other day, it seems, in the hope that your modest monetary contribution will help tilt the trend to your side. But, perhaps it will be safer to hold your breath for a couple of days longer, until, heaven help us, one of the Presidential candidates gracefully concedes defeat.
Obama in acrylic
You can tell from the picture on the left where our hearts lay four years ago; we, Anne, Judy, Greg, Kirk, and I, devoted one of our Art Sundays, on the final weekend before the 2008 General Election, to copying the iconic Hope portrait of Obama. A lot has changed since that day, both globally and personally -- the most dramatic of which in the latter category was our move away from the town where we lived for over twenty years; and in the former, there are the many natural and man-made disasters around the world and the political turmoils in the middle east. "Are we better off now than then?" There is no easy answer to this question, but the silliest sort of answer is to lay all the blame or praise at the feet of one person, other than yourself. I'm mildly hopeful that my candidate will win this election and plan to be glued to the telly this evening to the bitter end to have the hope confirmed and translated into more than wishful thinking.