We have been shrouded by a lingering chill that just won't lift since the arrival of spring was officially declared by the calendar on March 20th. Now that spring break is over, I am beginning to feel as if we were cheated of some promised relief from the cold, as the temperature is still hovering in the 30s to low 40s. I looked up some of my old posts to get a sense of what it was like at this time of the year in Bloomington in the past few years and they seem to confirm that spring, or the manifestation of it, has been notably delayed for this year. There is not a stitch of color in sight to relieve the monotonous gray. My gig with CMA ended a couple of weeks ago and I am now back on my own resources and to my old routines. There is some prospect for more work in the summer when some of the new projects of the firm kick into gear.