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7 Wochen Ohne |
Another bit of interesting information I picked up is how the German Evangelical Christian communities have transformed this quintessential Roman Catholic tradition of fasting and penance into a popular movement for concrete actions which aim at changing one's habits, presumably those which one wishes to be rid of. And instead of the usual 40-day fasting, they've turned this into a 7-week event of "doing without" -- a kind of self-imposed privation which can help kick start the forming of a more commendable habit.
Every year they come up with a motto, a call to action which the German Protestants can all participate in. For 2015, their motto is "Du bist Schön! Sieben Wochen ohne Runtermachen", which I translate as "You are Beautiful - Seven Weeks Without Telling Somebody Off or Running Down on Somebody". I take this to mean without bashing somebody or making disparaging remarks about someone, here, concerning someone's looks, though I presume it can extend to other aspects of a person, and that the idea of bashing can include deprecatory remarks aimed at oneself. Maybe a more colloquial translation of "Runtermachen" would be "trash-talking," or talking somebody down. Whether "bashing" has reached a dangerous level in German society, which calls for a collective action to readdress, is something I can only speculate about. Taking a curious look at their mottos from previous years, I think, would be interesting for social psychologists. For example, for 2012 the motto is, "Good enough! Seven weeks without false ambition", and for 2013, "Riskier, man! Seven weeks without caution." What did they mean?!
This, however, reminds me of the practical advice which William James offers to help with forming a new habit of the will in his essay called Habit . He said: "Keep the faculty of effort alive in you by a little gratuitous exercise every day. That is, be systematically ascetic or heroic in little unnecessary points, do every day or two something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it, so that when the hour of dire need draws nigh, it may find you not unnerved and untrained to stand the test."
Kirk and I have taken a pledge ourselves to participate in this collective consciousness of self-denial. Our motto is "6 Wochen ohne Fleisch, ohne Völlerei!" I'm not going to translate it here, in case we don't make it.