Perhaps the most misleading phrase one hears close to the end of a race is "Just around the corner!" from the well-wishers on either side of the course. Depending on how depleted one is at the time, it can either be exhilarating or dispiriting - either "Thank goodness, it's almost over!" or "OMG, I'll never get there!" We are now four weeks into our 10-week half marathon training for the Indianapolis Marathon on October 15. It seems that one can't claim to know a place unless one ploughs through it on foot. I wouldn't have traversed all five boroughs in New York City if I hadn't run the NYC marathon there. I'm afraid the marathon days are over for us now, but being able to tough through some more "halfs" is still something for us to aspire to.
Dappled Light
the Fall
Whether you are ready for it or not, "things" in general seem about to turn a corner--a new semester officially starts tomorrow at IU, the annual football fever is about to heat up, and though the temperature is still hovering around low 80's, one is beginning to sense a reprieve from the oppressive heat and detect a hint of a change of color at the top of the trees. Kirk was seized with an inspiration yesterday to explore some nature areas around Bloomington. We hit the road and drove to McCormick's Creek State Park, about a 30-minute ride northwest of town. We drove past corn fields, barns, silos, and the quintessential deserted old main streets of small towns USA, in this instance, in Ellettsville and Spencer. Driving or walking on a part of the earth surface which we've not been before never fails to amaze me; to think that so many lives have, unbeknownst to us, existed and toiled in these parts for so long is something to wonder at. McCormick's Creek State Park, we learned, was dedicated in 1916 as Indiana's First State Park. We had a very pleasant walk on one of the trails under the dappled sunlight on the forest floor and we made a date to come back in late October to witness the leaves change colors.
I imagine that by this time my friends in Gainesville are chomping at the bit for the football season to start, no?
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