The wisteria vine that was planted 46 years ago [in 1966] when our house and garden were constructed, finally succumbed to the two consecutive droughts we had this and last year. It was barely hanging on to life in the spring but shriveled up beyond rescue this summer. We are hoping to have a new one, pretty far along in size, planted in the same spot soon--when our yard maintenance company, Soaring Eagle, is able to get ahold of one.
Birth astride a grave
08.06.2012 Update: Out of the blue, our neighbor, the Bells, whom we rarely see, but who knew that our wisteria died, offered to give us a little offshoot of their flourishing wisteria vine, whose tendrils have already climbed up the metal frame placed beside it. It was such a welcome gift, for I've not heard back from our landscape guy about finding us a replacement. I've since learned that his lackadaisical attitude toward running his business is well-known among our neighbors. He has at least sent a couple of guys over to take down the dead vine so I've not quite despaired about his getting us a bigger specimen in the near future.
09.06.2012 Update:
Amethyst Falls
Our long-awaited new wisteria vine finally arrived yesterday and was securely embedded in the plot behind that of the original wisteria to give it more elbow room to grow. It is of the Wisteria frutescens species, also known as Amethyst Falls -- a native, non-invasive species of wisteria, purported to be fast-blooming, in the first year after planting. We hope that it will thrive in its new home for years to come.
Revived despite odds
With the help of the recent rain, the little wisteria offshoot we transplanted from our neighbor's yard has revived despite being given up as dead less than a week ago; I returned the metal screen to our neighbor thinking that it was beyond hope, O Ye of little faith.
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